Man of Worldcup 99
. This page will be updated from time to time during the worldcup. This will rate the player's progress based on the "Naavi rating scheme"
See article for details.

Reports on each match and the rankings of the players for the time being  are posted here. For more details click on links below.

For Rankings at the end of the first round of matches see here

For Rankings at the end of the second round of matches see here

For Rankings at the end of the third round of matches see here

For Rankings at the end of the fourth round of matches see here

For Rankings at the end of Group  matches see here

For Rankings at the end of the first round of Super Six matches see here

For Rankings at the end of the Second round of Super Six matches see here

For Rankings at the end of Super Six matches see here

For Rankings at the end of Semifinal matches see here

Latest Rankings of Players

Team Wise Ratings
India Pakistan
England Australia
South Africa West Indies
Sri Lanka New Zealand
Zimbabwe Bangladesh
Kenya Scotland

 Main Cricket page
Man of World Cup 99
Naavi Rating System
Match Schedule
Kumble Ratings