M 18- May 24
Match between:      Scotland                 Vs   Bangladesh
Toss Won by :      Scotland                  and  chosen to : Bowl
Scores           : Bangladesh 195 for 9: Scotland 163 in 46.2 overs
Result: Bangladesh won

Bangladesh Batting Vs Scotland Bowling Scotland Bowling Vs Bangladesh Batting Scotland batting Vs Bangladesh Bowling Bangladesh Bowling Vs Scotland Batting
0.5 0.4 0.5 0.4
Match between Bangladesh (Team 1)and Scotland (Team 2) at Edinborough on May 15
Innings of Bangladesh
Score of Team 1 Balls faced TRR-batting(Team Run rate Runs per ball) Weightage of Team 2- bowling(BOW)
 185 for 9 310 0.60 0.5
Rating addition to Team 1 players during Batting of Team 1 (Batting Points in I innings)
Player Runs 
IRR(Individual Run Rate) 
Per ball 
difference (RRD) 
(Basic+_ Bonus)
Total PointsX or / Weightage 
1.K.Masud 0 9 0 -0.60 -5 -5 -10
2.M.Hossain 3 19 0.15 -0.45 -9 -6 -12
3.Faruk Ahmed 7 24 0.29 -0.31 -7 0 0
4.Amilul Islam 0 1 0 -0.60 -1 -1 -2
5.Akram Khan 0 14 0 -0.60 -8 -8 -16
6.M.Abedin 68* 117 0.58 -0.02 -2 66 33
7.Naimur Rehman 36 58 0.62 0.02 1 35 18
8.K.Mahmud 0 4 0 -0.60 -2 -2 -4
9.Enamul Haque 19 40 0.47 -0.13 -5 14 7
10.Manjural Islam 2* 7 0.28 -0.32 -2 0 0
11.Hasibul Hassan 6 17 0.35 -0.25 -4 2 1
Extras 44(10 nb)
Total 185 310 ---- --- ---

Match between Bangladesh (Team 1)and Scotland (Team 2) at Edinborough on May 15
Innings of Bangladesh
Score of Team 1 Overs Bowled TER-bowling (Runs per over) Weightage of Team 2- batting 
185 for 9 50 3.70 0.4
Rating addition to Team 2 players during Batting of Team 1 (Bowling and Fielding points in I innings)
Player Wickets Taken
Basic Points
Overs Bowled
Runs Given ER Per Over ER difference 
Bonus Points 
Total Points Weighted 
Points Rating
Ct/St/RO Pointsfor fielding Rating
1.Blain 4 80 10 35 3.5 0.20 2 82 33 1 10 43
2.A.Butt 2 40 9 24 2.66 1.06 9 49 20 20
3Hamilton 0 0 10 25 2.5 1.20 12 12 5 5
4.Brinkley 1 20 10 45 4.5 -0.80 -8 12 5 - - 5
5.Stanger 0 0 4 23 5.75 -2.05 -8 -8 -20 - 10 -10
6.Dyer 2 40 7 26 3.71 -0.01 0 0 0 - 10 10
7.Philip 3 30 30
8.Salmond 1 10 10
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Match between Bangladesh (Team 1)and Scotland (Team 2) at Edinborough on May 15
Innings of Scotland
Score of Team 2 Balls faced TRR-batting(Runs per ball) Weightage of Team 1- bowling
 163 284 0.57 0.5
Rating addition to Team 1 players during Batting of Team 2 (Batting points in Innings 2)
Player Runs 
Scored/Basic points
Per ball
1.Patterson 0 2 0 -0.57 -1 -1 -2
2Philip 3 17 0.17 -0.40 -7 -4 -8
3.Smith 1 13 0.07 -0.50 -7 -6 -12
4.Stanger 10 34 0.29 -0.28 -10 0 0
5.Salmond 19 31 0.61 0.04 0 19 10
6.Hamilton 63 72 0.88 0.31 22 85 43
7.Brinkeley 5 31 0.16 -0.41 -12 -7 -14
8.Davies 32 65 0.49 -0.08 -5 27 14
9.Blain 9 16 0.56 -0.01 -0 9 5
10.Butt 1* 3 0.33 -0.24 -1 0 0
11.Dyer 0 0 0 -0.57 -0 0 0
Extras 20(6nb)
Total 163 284 ---- --- ---

Match between Bangladesh (Team 1)and Scotland (Team 2) at Edinborough on May 15
Innings of Scotland
Score of Team 2 Overs Bowled TER-bowling (Runs per over) Weightage of Team 2- batting
163 46.2 3.52 0.4

Rating addition to Team 2 players during Batting of Team 1 (Bowling and Fielding points in Innings2)
Player Wickets Taken Basic Points Overs Bowled Runs Given RR Per Over RR difference Bonus Points Total Points Weighted 
Ct/St/RO Pointsfor fielding Rating
1.Hasibul Hossain 2 40 8 25 3.12 0.40 3 43 18 1 10 28
2.Manjural Islam 2 40 9 33 3.67 0.15 1 41 16 2 20 36
3.K.Mahmud 2 40 9 27 3.00 0.52 5 45 18 - - 18
4.M.Abedin 1 20 3 12 4.00 -0.48 -1 19 8 - - 8
5.Naimur rehman 0 0 10 41 4.10 -0.58 -6 -6 -15 1 10 -5
6.Enam ul Haque 1 20 7.2 23 3.14 0.38 3 23 9 - - 9
7.K.masud - - - - - - - - - 1 10 10
8.F.Ahmed - - - - - - - - - 1 10 10
9.Aminul Islam 1 10 10
12. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
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14. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
15. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

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