National Seminar on Privacy Rights and Data Protection in Cyber Space 

on October 17, 2008

Venue: K L E Society's Law College, Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore

Organized By

Karnataka  Institute for Legislative and Parliamentary Reforms, KLE Society's Law College, Bangalore  and Digital Society Foundation

The National Seminar on Privacy Rights and Data Protection in Cyber Space organized by KILPAR, DSFI and KLE Law College was successfully conducted at S Nijalingappa College Campus in Rajaji Nagar on the Digital Society Day 2008 viz,17th October).

The programme was inaugurated by Honourable Minister of Law, Justice, Human Rights and Parliamentary Affairs, Sri S. Suresh Kumar. During his speeech, Sri Suresh Kumar commended the organizers for commemorating the Digital Society Day and for the action agenda undertaken. He  cited the case of the suicide of a housewife who could not bear the media onslought and underscored the importance of the subject in today's context.

Mr Naavi in his speech reiterated the commitment of Digital Society to make Bangalore an "International Information Security Capital" and sought the participation of the Government of Karnataka in the "Karnataka Cyber Law Awareness Movement". He expressed the need for balancing the Privacy and Data Protection legislation with the needs of the Law enforcement and suggested that the forum would collect the opinion of experts and forward it to the Government for necessary action when the Personal Data Protection Bill 2006 and ITA Amendment Act Bill would be taken for discussion in the Parliamentary session which incidentally commenced on the day itself.

During the technical sessions which followed, experts from the Legal, Academia, Industry and Law Enforcement discussed the topic in depth and gave several insights to the subject.

Speaking in the first session, Dr V Vijayakumar, Professor NLSUI, traced the history of the Privacy legislation with reference to the Constitution of India and US and also highlighted its limitations particularly for national security  and Law enforcement requirements. Mr Sudheer, an advocate explored the different sections of the proposed Persoand Data Protection Bill and discussed the needs for change. Mr J Prasanna, an Information Security Consultant highlighted how terrorists are misusing the Internet and what are the challenges posed by technology in the light of Privacy rights enjoyed by the users. Mr PP Kanthan, an International Trade Law expert chaired the session.

In the second technical session chaird by Mr N. Vidyashankar, Founder Trustee, IIIT Law, Mr Aneesh Shaik of Wipro and Rajnessh Sharma of HP shared the IT perspective of Privacy and Data Protection respectively. They explained the general principles of Data Protection and the international pressure on India to initiate data protection legislation. Mr Vidyashankar in his concluding report also spoke on the Challenges posed by Privacy considerations during investigation of Cyber Crimes.

In the third technical session chaired by Naavi, Mr Rahul Biswari, Convener, Bangalore Chapter of Data Security Council of India and Mr Suresh Babu, former ADGP, answered the questions from the participants. While presenting his views Mr Suresh Babu highlighted how Police are equipping themselves with technical expertise the meet the challenges posed by technology crimes. He cited several instances where the Police have adopted the current laws itself to prosecute Cyber Crimes. Mr Rahul Biswari highlighted in his talk the role of Data Security Council of India and what action is required in India for data protection. Mr Sanjay Vir Singh, Registrar, Bangalore University and former DIG, shared his experiences in Cyber Crime investigations and the difficulties posed by the fast changes that occur in technology.

During the valedictory session, Mr B Dakshina Murthy, KILPAR assured the participants that the deliberations of the seminar would be documented and forwarded to the relevant authorities. Mr Sanjay Vir Singh also spoke about the need for more such initiatives in future.

The programme was attended by more than 120 delegates and was highly appreciated by all.

Digital Society Foundation takes this opportunity to thank KLE Society's Law College and KILPAR for having participated in the Digital Society Day 2008 celebrations and contributed to the grand success of the programme.


October 18, 2008

Related Documents:

1. Background Note prepared by Naavi

2. Issues for the Seminar.. Naavi

3. Data Protection and Data Privacy.. Anish shaik

4. Tracking Terrorists on Cyber Space.. Prasanna

5. Personal Data Protection Bill.. A critical Analysis.. K S Sudheer


Detailed Programme