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Can ICL and BCCI Coexist? ... A review of the impact of ICL's entry to India and possible ways of co-existence



Fix Match-Fixing with a suitable Award System for the Gentleman Cricketer of the Year....Na.Vijayashankar

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Challenge to Raw hitting: Should restricted field placing overs in a limited overs match be spread over the innings?....Na.Vijayashankar

Rating the performance of Cricketers in ODI s: The rating has to provide a level playing field between an opener who can bat for 50 overs and a number 6 who has no more than 10 overs on an average in a tournament...a solution, a new rating system designed by naavi

The Strategic Failure: How Azar and his Associates in BCCI and Selection committee are guilty of India's Worldcup failure...naavi

Neil Jhonson emerges as the leading player in the world cup and as a genuine allrounder....naavi