You Tube ..hypocrisy when it comes to Freedom of Speech?

The above face is a familiar face to many on the You Tube. This person has been posting many interesting videos particularly of ancient archaeological sites in India, Cambodia and many other places focussing on many interesting points which no body else seems to observe.

He has a very discernible eye to spot indications of some peculiarities in the construction of ancient temples many of whom like the Hampi and Mahabalipuram are well known to many tourists. But no body else has found certain points such as the possibility of ancient builders having used technology for rock processing, using of lathe type machines long time back, possibility of aliens being depicted in the sculptures etc.

There is no doubt that some of his findings are very significant and the scientific community could very well do a research of their own either to prove or disprove his views.

It is also an observation that when he talks of many ancient Shiva temples and interprets the Shiva Lingam and the Gopuram of temples  as a depiction of energy transmitters or communicators to the alien world, he speaks of Hindu tradition. Possibly thousands of years back only Hinduism was prevalent in these countries and hence only references to Hindu culture can be seen in these ancient temples.

I have viewed many of his videos and have not found any racist or communal thoughts in his publications.

But very recently, he published a video which he has called probably his last video a link for which is presently available here.

In this video he has pointed out that many of his videos have been subjected to moderation and some have even been removed by You Tube for no discernible reason.

We have seen Twitter always supporting Pakistani and Anti Modi subscribers and allowing fake news to be promoted against India. Now a suspicion arises whether Mr Praveen Mohan is being black listed because he takes the name of Shiva in many of his recent postings. One of the recent postings highlighted a structure in Mahabalipuram which he has called the structure as a “Olakkaneshwara temple” and discussed how it could be a light house built to guide ships approaching the coast.

He has indicated that this video was taken off by Youtube. It appears that it has been restored but it is not clear if other videos which he has referred to in his disclosure have also been restored.

But the incident indicates that there could be an anti India bias in the action of You Tube and perhaps they donot want thoughts which could re-write some of the historical concepts ignore the developments in countries like India in the ancient times and consider that all scientific developments originated only from the west.

It is time we Indians bring it to the notice of You Tube that its actions are being watched. If it thinks that it can misuse its popularity to prevent content that supports Indian culture and heritage, then its credentials as a company from US which champions free speech will be severely dented.

The Indian Government has to take note of this development and seek an explanation from You Tube as to their commitment to free speech.

A similar question has to be also raised on GMail which continues to hide the “Originating IP address of email senders” in e-mails received by g-mail account holders ignoring the right of an e-mail account holder to know from which IP address he has received an e-mail. The e-mail is a transaction between the sender and the receiver, GMail is only an intermediary under ITA 2000.

If this status of an intermediary has to be retained, GMAIL should not interfere with the communication that emanates from the sender’s computer and reaches the receiver’s computer. By changing the header information that starts its journey from the sender’s personal computing device, GMAIL is processing the information and not acting purely like an Intermediary. Hence it should lose whatever protection law normally provides to intermediaries.

Unfortunately in India our CERT-IN or the MeitY does not pull up companies when they behave illegally and irrationally and we tend to accept their actions as unquestionable.

Hope MeitY takes note of Mr Praveen Mohan’s complaint and also just as they reacted to Zoom with a project to develop an Indian counterpart, they should look for an Indian counterpart of You Tube.


About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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6 Responses to You Tube ..hypocrisy when it comes to Freedom of Speech?

  1. Atul Saboo says:

    We should have our own IndiaTube rather bank on some tube held and controlled by alien.

    Is Google liable under ITA 2000 ?

  2. V Rajendran says:

    Dear Shri Naavi, You are a crusader, a fighter, a karmayogi. This is among your best ones. I am afraid how we can take the contents of this to the powers that be, in India, like CERT In, IT Ministry, Home Ministry if not the PMO. In fact this is a serious issue that if the Home Minister or the PM is aware, some action will certainly be taken.

  3. Skippy says:

    He has been rightly censored because he is posting fake , false or exaggerated videos that show absolutely no background knowledge. He also shows no respect for human beings (See link showing his antics with the Todas). I wish his viewers would not fall for his rubbish and instead use their brains and cross-check his arguments with relevant academic research. He is making a a fool out of you all and minting money from it too!

    • The issue quoted in Hindu is different. It is possible that the traditional Todas might have got upset just as some of the Hindus may get upset if women enter Shabarimala. It does not mean that the various other posts made by this man should not be appreciated. His videos are self explanatory and I donot see how his postings can be brushed as fake. Hindu article is of no relevance since Hindu itself is a highly biased publication

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