Workshop on Information Security at Jaipur

Workshop on

“Information & Cyber Security

for Industry Leaders”

0900 hrs : 27 April 2018 : Hotel Clarks Amer,Jaipur

Confederation of Indian Industry-Rajasthan is organising the One Day Workshop on Information & Cyber Security for Industry Leaders onFriday, 27 April 2018 at Hotel Clarks AmerJLN Marg, Jaipur.


As you are aware managing an Industry no longer ends with Marketing, Technical Financial and Managerial aspects. There is an important ingredient of Information Technology in everything we do.

Along with the convenience that comes with the use of Information Technology, comes the risks of Cyber Crimes, Cyber Terrorism, Cyber WarsViruses, Trojans, Ransomware disturb our sleepHacking and Phishing can cause nightmares. Denial of Access can bring down our dream projects when we most want our systems to be in good shape.

In this scenario, disruptive changes all around us, it has become necessary for leaders of the Organisations to understand what are the risks that we encounter when we use Information Technology to drive our business and how we manage the Information risks that arise out the emerging digital industry scenario.


This workshop aims to address the need of Organisation to understand the “Information Security Risks” and how the CEOs need to brace themselves to meet the Risks as a part of their responsibilities on managerial perspective of Information Security.

Topics to be Covered

   -Development of a Framework for Digital Security for SMEs on a collaborative model.

-Managing the challenge of motivating the employees towards building a better Information Security Culture

– Over view of the emerging Industry 4.0 scenario

-Overview of the Cyber Crimes, Cyber Terrorism and Cyber Wars that affect the industrial management.

-Frauds in Banking



-Virtual Impersonation

-Overview of Management of Digital Properties like Domain Names and Intellectual Property Rights in Digital Properties.

-Concept of Cyber Security in industrial environment and the multiple dimensions of information security namely the Technical, Legal and Behavioural aspects.

-Cyber Laws as applicable in India and the need for ITA 2008 compliance as part of the Corporate Governance.

 -Concept of Digital Signatures, Encryption and Cyber Insurance as tools of Information Security.

 -Any other matter of relevance to Information Security in the managerial context.

Topics will be supported by Case study presentation, Group activity, Video presentation & power point presentations


The workshop will be conducted by Na Vijayashankar, (Naavi) Information Assurance Expert from Bengaluru and a pioneer in Cyber Laws in India, in India

 [Contact Mr Tushar Shroff, CII, Jaipur for more information]


About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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