Want to be a “Master Trainer” for C.DPO.DA.?

FDPPI is closely working with Cyber Law College to develop capacity of Data Protection Officers and Data Auditors.

In this direction, FDPPI being a Not for Profit Organization with an interest in developing the community interests, has decided to develop a set of “Master Trainers” in the immediate future at 20 major cities of the country who can conduct local physical training programs for C.DPO.DA. These Master trainers will be individual torch bearers of Privacy Training supported to the extent required by FDPPI/Cyber Law College.

Since FDPPI has introduced a “Cross Certification” program where by professionals trained by DSCI/IAPP/ISACA are provided privileged entry into the C.DPO.DA. examination ( with a concessional examination fee of Rs 6000/- plus GST as a launch offer applicable till October 17, 2024), it is decided that professionals trained by these “Master Trainers” are also allowed a direct entry to C.DPO.DA. at a differential pricing of Rs 10000/- plus GST (Subject to change).

One of the pre-requisites for being a Master Trainer is however that the entrepreneur should himself be a C.DPO.DA. qualified (at Level 3).

Level 1, 2 and 3 are three grades in C.DPO.DA. and Level 3 represents “Distinction”. Level 1 would be considered as the minimal Certification level for Privacy Professionals and Level 2 is recommended for Implementations consultants. The classification is based on different cut off points in the examination.

Since FDPPI/Cyber Law College is conducting the next program for C.DPO.DA. in Bengaluru on 27-29 of September 2024, it has been also decided to allow three persons aspiring to be “Master Trainers” to attend the training at 50% discount. (Net price would be Rs 20000/- plus GST 3600/- for three days). Persons coming from outside Bengaluru need to make their own arrangements for travel and stay. Interested persons may contact Naavi immediately. Since only three persons will be accommodated in this scheme, aspirants are requested to act quickly.

This will be purely optional for the trainees and if they are satisfied with the certifications given by the individual trainers there is no need to also try to get a C.DPO.DA. Certification. This is a voluntary offer from FDPPI and the other organizations whose Certifications are eligible for this cross certification are not required to provide any mutual counter offers.

With this Cross Certification Scheme and opening it out to Private Individuals, FDPPI is democratizing the training to persons with passion of training. This is an opportunity for every training professional or training company to develop their own training programs at their own pricing and enabling their candidates to opt for industry standard certifications. It is presumed that in the long term this will revolutionize the Certification mechanism and enable reduction of cost to the professionals aspiring for multiple Certifications.


About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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