Voluntary Special Interest Group on Secure Digital India (VSIG-SDI)

 Regular visitors of this site remember the article “If NAMO is the CEO of Digital India, who is the CISO”?

This thought is still ringing in the minds of many of us who are wholeheartedly supporting the Digital India project but frequently expressing adverse comments on many policy initiatives of the Department of Electronics and Information Technology” (DeitY).

A few days back a group Information Security Professionals in a WhatsApp group came together with a thought that Government of India is going ahead with its Digital India project without an appropriate Information Security back up and we need to do something to contribute our thoughts on how to change things for the better.

With this idea, the group decided to promote what can be called a “Voluntary Special Interest Group on Secure Digital India and start deliberating on how to progress further.

In order to collaborate with the persons of similar interest, a Facebook page was opened at www.facebook.com/securedigitalindia.

As a thought starter, I had placed a PPT on the initial thoughts I had shared it with the members of the group. Now I find that I am getting requests from many on this PPT which is only an information on the proposed activities of this group. We are yet to come up with any documents containing suggestions which can be shared with the public. We hope to do the same in due course.

However, since it is difficult to handle individual requests for the sharing of the document, I am placing the current version of the document on this website.

The document is available here

I welcome comments. Comments can be posted as visitor’s comments on the facebook page or here on naavi.org. You can also communicate with Naavi on his email.

I also welcome any detailed white papers that can be published on naavi.org that would go with the objective of the group. This SIG and its activities is a voluntary activity of  a virtual group of IS Experts who we believe may be able to collectively provide recommendations to the DeitY which would be useful. Success of the thought is in your hands. Participate in full.


About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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