Ugadi Brings Naavi’s 10 year mission to a successful closure

For those who are aware of Naavi’s activities, it is known that the historic Umashankar adjudication case was a mission for Naavi starting from June 2010 when the adjudication application was filed.

Due to various reasons, the matter which went on appeal to CyAT had got stuck until now. On 3rd April 2019, TDSAT has placed its final approval on the Adjudication order bringing the matter to a successful closure.

The perseverance of Mr Umashankar who is an NRI in Abu Dhabi and his father Mr Sivasubramaniam who is in Tuticorin in pursuing the case against all odds and continued expenses must be specially hailed. Without their perseverance, I would not have been able to keep the matter going for so long.

I wish their experience in this case must be captured by  journalists from the main stream so that it becomes a guidance for other Cyber Crime victims.


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