To Be a Leader?… or To Be a Follower?

It is always a dilemma for every professional to decide what is more comfortable…chose to be a leader? or be happy to be a follower?

Obviously if every one is a leader, there would be chaos. So nature has decided that not all would aspire to be the leader. It is also good for the leader that when he occupies the leadership position, there will be some ready to stand in the next line.

A true leader is like an explorer. He often meets challenging situations which others have not seen. He can make mistakes and even get hurt. But as long as he is pursuing the right path and exercising due diligence, as well as being capable of standing up even if he falls down, he is sure to reach the destination ahead of others.

These leadership qualities are necessary for professionals who want to carve out a new path of progress for themselves which no body else have so for pursued.

The above reflections appear appropriate at this point of time as the undersigned pursues the creation of a new set of leading professionals in India  who can hold the mantle of  “Data Protection Professional” .

The course which leads to the conferring of the title “Certified Data Protection Professional”, by FDPPI, the leading Data Protection Organization in India is set to create another batch of qualified professionals who will be aware of the law which India is adopting for personal data protection.

Though some professionals are as lethargic as they have always been and would like to wait…and wait…until the law descends upon them and then scramble to acquire the knowledge, a set of forward-looking professionals have decided to start their learning today.

There is no doubt that we are looking at a dynamic law and it will change in time not only because the final act will adopt some changes from the Bill which is currently being discussed, but even otherwise with the changing perceptions in the environment of What is Privacy?, How can Privacy be protected by Personal Data Protection?, What should be the Rights of the Data owners?, What should be the obligations of the Data handlers? What should be the exemptions to be given for industry and the Government… and so on.

FDPPI ensures that all those who are now opting to take up their certification course will be provided guidance to be made aware of any changes that may occur in the law when the Act is passed….

So the professionals who are currently pursuing the Course second batch of which will commence (Online) on April 4th, will be the early torch bearers of the knowledge of Personal Data Protection Act as it unveils in India.

We welcome all these early adopters who would be the foundation members of the Data Protection Professional community in India.

(P.S: Contact Naavi for more details)


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