Theory of Data

Naavi has been working around the concept of “Data” from a Techno-legal, Behavioural and Managerial perspectives for some time. The objective is to bring better clarity on the nature of “Data” and in particular “Personal Data” so that regulations are clear from the point of view of compliance.

Unclear regulations are the bane of the industry because the practitioners donot know  how to comply and what to comply. This leads to discretionary decisions which may go wrong. Even the judiciary and the regulator often unwittingly comes to wrong decisions and has to face the criticism from the industry.

In trying to present the Data and its implications in terms of the current laws and the continuously moving technology base, Naavi has been sporadically writing about “Cyber Laws for Quantum Computing Era”, “Impact of AI on Cyber Laws”, “Evidence under Section 65B of IEA”, “Dynamic Theory of Data”, “Nuclear Theory of Data” and so on.

Some of these thoughts have emerged over time and has been presented based on the contextual discussions.

Time has now come to bring some more cogency to these thoughts and consolidation of these different explanations provided earlier into a consolidated “Theory of Data”.

Since there is already a body of academicians who are working on the “Theory of Data” from the perspective of technology and my approach is basically from the “Legal, Behavioural Science and Managerial perspective” of Data, it is necessary to prefix this theory as “Naavi’s Theory of Data” or “LBM theory of Data”.

This is primarily an academic exercise.  However, some thoughts that may be presented in this theory may have the potential to be implemented in the new Data Governance Framework or Data Protection Frameworks that the industry may try to follow in the context of new regulations and new technology.

For some time this work may proceed in the background and would be released in public from time to time.

Any thoughts and words of wisdom from readers is welcome.


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