The UNESCO Guideline on AI Regulation

A resolution adopted by UNESCO 41st Session in Paris held between 9th and November 2021 has put out a guidance note for the member nations which was published in 2022.

A copy of the note is available here: 

The G20 meet of 2020 had also flagged the issue in 2020. The EU even brought out a draft AI Act last year.

However, with the release of ChatGPT and the possibility of other similar models of AI being released from Google shortly, the world has reached a stage similar to when a Nuclear Reactor goes critical. The pot of AI is now boiling. If we can control it’s use, we may direct its energies to the benefit of the society.

But if we remain complacent or think that the dooms day is far off and relax, we will soon see the uncontrolled developments of AI that will kill the society.

In the long run the human race is facing the existential threat. In the short term we will see a spurt of Cyber Crimes and a disruption of such magnitude that we are not aware of.

Before the matter goes out of control, the society needs to act positively and try its best to delay the inevitable.

The danger of AI should be seen in combination with the developments in the Neuro Technology that will provide a direct entry of AI into human minds and also the developments in the  VR as a new immersive way of taking over the human faculties by computes.

We therefore request all the responsible members of the society to start addressing this immediate need. has already started a Community to discuss this on a Telegram platform. Naavi has also raised this issue in a G 20 forum.

Additionally Naavi is addressing the public today through a YouTube live session to place the concerns on the public platform.

Please do attend the session either on Zoom or on YouTube streaming today on 26th January 2023  at 11.30 am (IST)

The link is given below.

Zoom Meeting


Today is the “Republic Day” in India but it is the right time to start discussion on this topic which is most relevant from the point of view of preserving the future of human race.




About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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