The haven for illegal activity gets further fuel in Indian Budget

Mr Yashasvi Yadav, an IPS officer in Maharashtra has published a very informative article on Darknet in TOI. The article  is available here.

The essence of the article is that “Dark Net” and “Dark Web” are posing a mortal risk to the society and needs to be fire walled.

Many technologists will immediately jump in to say that “Technology” and “Innovation” cannot be curbed. It needs to be promoted. The same argument  is being made for promoting Private sector crypto currencies which had led to our Finance Minister providing a sense of recognition through Crypto Tax proposal.

As Mr Yadav has indicated, there are many journalists and non criminals who are also browsing the dark net through Tor browser. This is the classic case of good people supporting the bad people for their own selfish reasons.

We must understand that Darknet and Crypto currencies are bad and any form of support must be avoided.

Mr Yadav suggests that we need to ban Tor browser and block all Tor traffic.

I fully endorse this suggestion along with the banning of all private crypto currencies so that the fuel that runs the darknet is dried up.

While Mr Yadav as a representative of the law enforcement  has expressed his views clearly and flagged the risk of technology, it is unfortunate that the Finance Minister through her budgetary proposal on Crypto currencies is working on strengthening the hands of the criminals by legitimizing the currency of the criminals. Her proposal to bring  Crypto currencies under the tax bracket and whitewash it as “Digital Assets” and simultaneously withdrawing the bill on “Banning of Crypto currencies”, is a big boost to the dark net activities.

The finance minister is trying to hoodwink the public by saying that she is generating tax revenue for the Government by taxing the Crypto transactions and has not recognized Private Crypto currencies. She has also effectively tricked even the Prime Minister Mr Modi to give a statement that the budgetary proposal on Crypto including the proposal for Digital Rupee will be an impetus to the  economy.

This is far from the truth.

The budgetary proposal on Crypto taxes will destroy the country and the Digital Rupee proposal is only a fig leaf to cover the criminal nature of private crypto currencies. The Digital Rupee server will be prone to a serious security risk and criminals will be able to directly hack into the server and issue any amount of fake Digital Rupee to render the system infructuous in no time.

As it is, the Darknet is a threat to the country. But the FM is adding further strength to the dark net through her proposal.

Will Mrs Nirmala Sitharaman wake up from her slumber?

If Mrs Nirmala Sitharaman goes through the proposal to recognize Crypto Currencies without banning of the Crypto Currencies, she should be given a special recognition for having destroyed the legacy currency system in India and causing the death of the world economic order.


About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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