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Tag Archives: srikrishna
Srikrishna Panel report and Aadhaar
Throughout the one year when the Justice Srikrishna Committee was deliberating on the Privacy Legislation in India, Aadhaar was the focus of the privacy activists. There was one group of people who were completely against Aadhaar and have been trying … Continue reading
Another leak of the Srikrishna Committee Report on Data Protection
Even while the Srikrishna Panel has expressed dissatisfaction at TRAI coming up with its own Privacy Protection regulation and a consequential need for revision by the Panel of its draft, Caravan has released a report about a draft copy of … Continue reading
GDPR should not be a license for “Masked Cyber Stone Pelters” to disturb global peace
The recent fight between ICANN with the German judiciary on what is the “legitimate interest” in ICANN collecting and making available to public the domain name registration details is an indication of the war that is going on between EU … Continue reading
Are Privacy Laws Getting bigger than Cyber Crime Laws?.. Is Profiteering replacing deterrence principle in law making?
GDPR has changed the landscape of Cyber Laws by redefining the priorities of Cyber Laws. So far the concern of the society was mostly on “Preventing Damage to a Citizen” through Cyber Crime laws. This was achieved by defining certain actions … Continue reading
Data Processor’s Association of India needed for Compliance without Destruction
The earlier article on GDPR entry into India being like a Vasco Da Gama discovery of India, has attracted some interesting reactions from some industry professionals. While we may accept that the intention of GDPR is to protect the Privacy … Continue reading
Calling attention of Justice Srikrishna Committee on Data Protection; Don’t let GDPR be the new Vasco Da Gama
We have many times through these columns urged the Justice Srikrishna Committee which is drafting the new Data Protection law for India to ensure that an “Umbrella Protection” is provided to Indian Companies from being unfairly targeted under EU GDPR … Continue reading