Tag Archives: naavi

PWC Survey on Security preparedness

Dec7: PWC has released the findings of its “The State of Information Security survey-2013” indicating that there is an increasing interest and budget allocations for Information security in the Indian companies. Report

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Centralized IMEI data base to go on trial in a month

Dec 5: In a measure that could put a break on Mobile thefts, Government of India has approved a trial running of a centralized IMEI data base in India. This would enable tracking of stolen mobiles and make it difficult … Continue reading

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Cyber Fraud Survey in India by KPMG

Dec 5: KPMG has released a Cyber Fraud survey amongst business units which is a useful document of record. Called the Fraud Survey 2012, it identified Cyber crime, IP fraud, Identity theft as frauds of the future and concluded that “Indian … Continue reading

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“Photo Sync” from Facebook-A New Threat to Privacy

Dec 4: Facebook has introduced a new feature called “Photo Sync” for mobile users which is likely to be a new threat to privacy to casual users. If enabled, the feature will automatically upload the photographs from the mobile to Face … Continue reading

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GOI to file Reply on CAT Chairperson appointment in Karnataka High Court

Dec 3: The PIL regarding the non appointment of the Chair person for Cyber Appellate Tribunal (CAT), in New Delhi was heard in Karnataka High Court today. The PIL filed by an advocate Sri Chaitanya has alleged that the non appointment … Continue reading

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Julian Assange on Internet Freedom

Dec 3: Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange speaks of how an infrastructure for total control of Internet is already in place and is beig also used partially. … Details

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