Tag Archives: naavi

New Banking Licensees- Beware of IT Companies who want to trap you.

RBI has now invited applications for new banking license from private sector which has attracted 26 aspirants to make an application. Many of these are thinking of building their Banking empire on the edifice of technology. Already, Indian Banking system … Continue reading

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New Banking Licenses in India

The recent decision of RBI to  invite fresh applications for new Banking licenses have evoked response from 26 applicants. The undersigned who joined the Banking industry in 1973 and has been in working in the industry upto 1987 and later … Continue reading

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Should Indian Post be granted Banking license?..Do they need one?

The decision of Indian Postal Department to seek a Banking license from RBI through the Licensing Scheme meant for private sector has been an object of discussion since the announcement was made.  The application is a source of embarrassment to … Continue reading

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Which of the 26 applicants deserve Bank license?

As the debate on the choice of probable licensees hots up, here is an interesting debate in moneycontrol.com between three experts See Copy of the Detailed debate here The three experts who have expressed their views are R Jagannathan, the Editor … Continue reading

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Vulnerabilities in human space

According to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), a “Vulnerability” in Risk Analysis context is defined as a”flaw or weakness in system security procedures, design,implementation, or internal controls that could be exercised (accidentally triggered or intentionally exploited) and result … Continue reading

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Mobile Crimes to be the focus in 2013

Symantec has predicted that in 2013, Cyber Crimes in India is likely to grow in the Mobile segment. It is estimated that there are around 137 million Internet Users in India and nearly 70% of them use mobile to access … Continue reading

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