Tag Archives: naavi

New Year Resolutions

As the new year 2018 dawns on us and we complete the sending of greetings to all our friends, it is time to start thinking how this year will be different from our previous years and how we make it … Continue reading

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Certifier under Section 65B need not mandatorily be a witness also

Recently, I was posed a question as follows: Quote: Mr A who produced the CDR from SERVER with Sec. 65B certificate which was filed in the court by IO. However, since Mr. A was not produced as witness, both the … Continue reading

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“Compliance by Design” should be the motto of the Data Protection Act of India

[P.S: This is in continuation of the discussion of the proposed Data Protection Act in India and the public comments invited for the  Justice Srikrishna report.] “Privacy by Design” is a concept which GDPR expects from Data Controllers and Data Processors.  The … Continue reading

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We should forget the “Right to Forget” in Indian Data Protection Act

[P.S: This is in continuation of the discussion of the proposed Data Protection Act in India and the public comments invited for the  Justice Srikrishna report.] The EU law on Privacy under GDPR recognizes the “Right to Forget” which essentially means … Continue reading

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Personal Data should be considered a personal Property

[P.S: This is in continuation of the discussion of the proposed Data Protection Act in India and the public comments invited for the  Justice Srikrishna report.] Many of the issues connected with Privacy arise out of the complaint that “information collected … Continue reading

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Data Protection Act.. We should aim at Compliance with Pleasure not Compliance with Pain.

[P.S: This is in continuation of the discussion of the proposed Data Protection Act in India and the public comments invited for the  Justice Srikrishna report.] The Justice Srikrishna Committee (SKC) has propounded 7 key principles of the Data Protection Act … Continue reading

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