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Tag Archives: modi
EY flags Crypto Currency as a threat. Will Supreme Court take note? or Ignore?
Ernst and Young recently published a survey on “Responding to Cyber Crime Incidents in India”. Some interesting insights are reported in the survey. One of the insights which is important from the point of view of the Supreme Court hearing … Continue reading
Supreme Court should declare Bitcoin as prevent Mr Modi gaining a higher moral ground
I as a citizen of India place this information for the attention of the honourable Supreme Court and demand that the Court should take into account the adverse effect that the Bitcoin regularization may have on the Indian Society before … Continue reading
An Unprecedented Technical Revolution in Health Sector is in the offing in India…
The Ayushman Bharat scheme also referred to as the Modi Care program is an ambitious welfare scheme which Mr Modi is implementing. Under this scheme it is expected that 1.5 lakh health and wellness centers offering preventive and primary care … Continue reading
Will TDSAT render justice to Cyber Crime Victims?… I seek some answers
Cyber Crime victims in India have been waiting for a long time for the re-activation of Cyber Appellate Tribunal (CYAT) which became dysfunctional on 30th June 2011 during the UPA II regime and never came back to life even after … Continue reading
Is it the beginning of the Chinese domination of the Globe?.. Mr Modi to take note
It is known that China has made substantial progress in the field of Industry which is threatening other countries including India and US. Unfortunately, unlike Japan, scientific progress in China is discomforting to the rest of the world since China … Continue reading
Posted in Cyber Law
Tagged China, entanglement, india, modi, quantum computing, super positioning, US
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Bitcoin is Digital Black Money… Is Fake news being promoted by Cogencis?
In the last few days, Economic Times has been carrying on a campaign for legalization of Bitcoin. The article “U-turn on bitcoin? Government panel may allow cryptos with riders ” which does not carry the name of the reporter suggests, … Continue reading