Summit within a Summit

Bengaluru Tech Summit 2020 (BTS 2020), was successfully conducted by the Karnataka Government on November 19, 20 and 21st. The summit was inaugurated by the honourable Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi and several dignitaries from India and abroad were part of the proceedings.

The BTS 2020 had multiple tracks covering both IT and BT segments such as One Health, Innovation Corner and Knowledge Hub. The technical discussions covered Drones, Robotics , Cyber Security, Digital Learning, etc. Unfortunately despite Data Protection being an important area which affects both the IT and BT segments and India is in the verge of passing a data protection law, there were no specific coverage of data security in the program. Both the PM and the IT minister during their speeches made reference to Data Security and the forthcoming law underscoring the importance of the topic.

Recognizing this void and not let the Bengaluru Tech Summit go without a discussion on Data Protection, FDPPI stepped in with its own summit Indian Data Protection Summit 2020. holding two high powered panel discussions on each day covering different topics on the Data Protection such as the law in the pipeline, (PDPB 2019), the global laws such as GDPR, the professional opportunities emerging because of the new law , the challenges posed by the Schrems II judgement of he EUCJ, the innovative Data Trust Score system in the Indian law and FDPPI’s own innovation of the Personal Data Protection Standard of India.

Never in the history of India such an elaborate public webinar had been held on the subject available free for the participants.

IDPS was covered through Six panel discussions involving more than 25 professionals participating in panel discussions structured in the following sequence.

  1. Recent Data Breach Incidents and PDPA of India
  2. PDPA of India is not a clone of GDPR
  3. The Challenge of being a DPO
  4. The enigma of cross border data transfer
  5. Data Trust Score the Indian innovation
  6. A Unified Framework for Data Protection Implementation

It was interesting to note that the  battery of experienced Data Protection Professionals who participated in the program were all members of FDPPI.

Na.Vijayashankar, anchored the entire program and added his enlightening thoughts to the discussion.

The program was highly appreciated by the participants.

During the program, FDPPI also announced their programs which included

    1. Certification pf Data Protection Professionals
    2. Unified framework for multiple data protection law compliance-PDPSI (Personal Data Protection Standard of India)
    3. Launching of the Data Disputes Mediation and Arbitration Center on an Online platform
    4. Launching of an annual award for “Champion Data Protection Professional” along with “Champion Data Protection Team” and “Champion Data Protection Organization”.
    5. Launching of the Data Protection Journal of India as a quarterly journal from the next quarter

The IDPS will be repeated each year and is likely to become a flagship event in the field of Data Protection in India in the coming years.


About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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