“Society of Cyber Law Compliant Netizens” from Cyber Law Compliance Center

Cyber Law Compliance Center started by Naavi.org is a pilot project in pursuance of the fundamental objective of Naavi.org viz “Towards Building a Responsible Cyber Society”, in the immediate context of building a “Secure Digital India”.

“Securing” the digital space is a multi dimensional task which involves Technology, Cyber Law and Management of the Behavioural aspects of IT users. Of these three parameters, “Technical” aspects are being addressed by several technology specialists. Naavi.org will focus more on the Legal aspects of Information Security and would pursue the behavioural science aspects to a minor extent.

In actual application, Legal Aspects of Information Security manifest in the form of

a) Developing policies and procedures in the IT environment for the users to follow

b) Assisting the Government in the formulation of appropriate laws

c) Fighting for Better Cyber Laws from the Authorities

d) Fighting for Better implementation of Due Diligence requirements in the Corporate sector

e) Fighting against misapplication of law by law enforcement 

f) Fighting against mis-interpretation of law by the Judiciary

g) Working for better Cyber Law Education at all levels

h) Working towards the  wider acceptance of the concept of Cyber Insurance at all levels such as policy making levels in the Government, Service offerings at the Insurance Companies and the proper use of the services at the consumer levels

The past 17 years of work of Naavi since 1998 represent numerous activities towards achieving these objectives.

Continuing the activities of the past, it is felt that a greater emphasis is now required in spreading the message of Cyber Law Compliance and its benefits amongst the Corporate circles. While bigger companies have the resources to buy appropriate expert services and achieve a desired level of compliance, they still lack the appreciation of why they should work for better legal compliance in the IS environment.

Naavi has therefore proposed an intense “Cyber Law Awareness  drive in Corporate Circles” starting from Bangalore. This will be one of the objectives of the Cyber Law Compliance Center as proposed by Naavi.org.

Additionally, the Cyber Law Compliance Center (CLCC) intends to offer additional Cyber Law Compliance Services in the form of  sharing Policy Documents that can be used by Companies and Individuals as part of their due diligence requirements under law. This will be supplemented by consultancy services and support services as may be required.

While some of the services of the CLCC may be offered free, certain support services which will require time and efforts of Naavi may be offered at a price which ofcourse will be reasonable.

Some of the support services include the services explained under different arms of naavi.org such as CEAC (Cyber Evidence Archival Center), Cyber-Notice Service, e-Ombudsman Service, Online arbitration service, Domain Name related services, Cyber Insurance related services  etc. Readers can explore the menu links from which they can get more information on these services.

The model  WhatsApp Admin  policy document thrown open for adoption by the WhatsApp group admins in one such service which has now gone live. It is proposed that any person who would like to use the service may register himself by providing his name and Contact details besides some information on the group to which the policy is being adopted.

This process of registration is meant to build a community of  Cyber Space users who voluntarily comply with Cyber Laws . We call them the  “Society of Cyber Law Compliant Netizens”.  Such Netizens can be individuals or organizations. The basic premise is that any body who would be a member is interested in “Voluntary Cyber Law Compliance” as an ethical practice and would be taking whatever steps are possible within his domain of activity towards this goal.

Naavi has proposed such thoughts in the past in the context of Home Based Medical Transcription workers, though without much success.  However, with each passing year, it appears that the age old suggestions of Naavi.org are becoming more and more relevant and the prospect of the thoughts being accepted is increasing.

I therefore place this thought of “Society of Cyber Law Compliant Netizens” who by a voluntary self declaration to be Cyber Law Compliant, before the readers. Suggestions on how this can be implemented in practice are welcome. Similarly if there are any suggestions of developing any of the services envisaged on a larger scale with participation of other experts and even on a commercial platform if feasible are welcome.


About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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