End Now Foundation, Hyderabad is presenting an unique event in Hyderabad on 17th December 2023 bringing together Social Media Influencers in a summit which is first of its kind in India.
The following video may give a glimpse of what is being planned.
The event is expected to be graced by the Tollywood Star Mr Chiranjeevi .
During the event, organizers are intending to recognize some of the Social Media Influencers for their contribution in different areas.
Naavi.org wishes all the success for this event.
Naavi would be present during the event.
Naavi entered Internet some time around 1984-85 when Internet was considered an “Information Super Highway”. Internet as an interactive medium was limited to “E-Mails” and Message Boards. As Message Boards developed into Groups, the second dimension of Internet as a “Social Media” gathered momentum. With the advent of FaceBook and Twitter and later the WhatsApp, and YouTube, today’s youngsters are initiated to Digital Society more as participants of the Social Media rather than seekers of information.
At the same time the development of AI has transformed the Social Media from a human led platform to an AI led platform introducing an element of manipulation which is only growing by the day.
In order to retain the benefits of the Social Media as a positive influence on the society, it is necessary for all of us to remember the original motto of Naavi.org namely “Let Us Build a Responsible Cyber Society”. Today it is the responsibility of Social Media influencers to build a Responsible Social Media.
Retaining “Trust” in the media is essential for the relevance of the Social Media in the coming days. This requires that the slow poisoning of the content on the Internet by fake media contributors need to be curbed and called out by the more responsible elements of the Social Media society. As in the physical society, “Bad Influencers” even in small numbers can spoil the reputation of the society even of “Good Influencers” and hence Good Influencers should ensure that fake and bad content is marked and removed to the extent possible. Otherwise the future search engines, Machine Learning models will pick up bad and wrong content and magnify them to an extent that an unreal social community would be developed.
We therefore need to develop a “Trust Seal” for ” Honest Social Media Influencers” so that “Ethical Social Media Influencers” develop as a community within the community where quality of information dissemination and usefulness to the society becomes the criteria for determining success than mere numbers.
We need to therefore develop a criteria for prescribing a self regulation of ethical standards, monitor them by a committee of leaders and develop a demonstrable visual symbol of “Trusted Social Media Influencer”.
Hopefully, this first summit of Social Media Influencers adopt a “Declaration” to create the “Trusted Social Media Influencer Seal” with three essential ingredients, Be truthful, Do Good to society and Prevent harm to the society.

Those who are self regulated and contribute to the good of the society may develop as a new subset of Social Media Influencers who are ethical and may be called the “White Social Media Influencers” who will preserve the respect and usefulness of the social media.
The Government of India has already mandated that Social Media Contributors can insist on their identity being verified and displayed on their content. This seal of Trust will be a higher level of identity to which all Social Media Influencers should aspire for.
Let us discuss this further….