Roundtable on Impact of DPDPB 2022 on Health Sector

Foundation of Data Protection Professionals, the premier Data Protection organization in India of the professionals and by the professionals for the Data Protection Eco System, is organizing a Roundtable discussion on DPDPB 2022 and its impact on the Healthcare sector, in Bangalore on 10th of June.

The event is a physical event and participation is by invitation.

However, the event would be live broadcast the event for the benefit of people outside Bangalore in the Youtube channel -Live section at (Kindly click on the link-live)

Several senior persons from the industry are expected to participate in the event and share their thoughts.

Currently Indian Healthcare sector including hospitals are required to be compliant with ITA 2000 and Section 43A requirements more specifically since health data generated by these organizations is considered “Sensitive Personal Data”. DPDPB 2022 is likely to bring in some modifications in these regulations which should be in place in the next few months.

The event will debate the concerns of the Industry and also set up an SIG on Sectoral implications of DPDPB 2022 for Healthcare sector to take the discussion forward.


About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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One Response to Roundtable on Impact of DPDPB 2022 on Health Sector

  1. Dr SankaraGomathi S says:

    Your knowledge on cyber security law and the related programs conducted by u &your team remarkable and quite impressive and useful for the society.I attended many events so far.

    Your service rendered towards spreading knowledge about security to younger generation as social service is highly perceptible. May God bless you with abundance of healthy long life ever.

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