Quora Protects Owaisi

It is interesting to note the news report in Republicworld.com which states that Quora has disabled the account of “True Indology” classifying one of its posts as “Hate speech”.

The post has been reproduced here:

After the partition of India, Owaisi’s party MIM praised Jinnah and invited him to their annual conference in 1947. Even Nizam of Hyderabad praised him to skies and publicly declared that Jinnah was the greatest Muslim politician. Following were the words used by the Nizam of Hyderabad for Jinnah .’Dear Jinnah, please come to our annual session Majlis Ittehadul Muslimeen. Hyderabad looks to your support. You are a life-giver to the whole Muslim community. You are an untiring warrior to the cause of Islam,” 

To any independent observer, the post does not seem to have any hate content. Perhaps for Quora, the words “Owaisi”, “Jinnah”, “Islam”  are key words which the AI algorithm uses for classifying hate content.

The incident indicates the inadequacies of AI for content screening and the lack of human oversight.

We may recall that some time back we highlighted that YouTube deleted the account of Mr Praveen  Mohan  who is an independent researcher who has done studies of temple architecture across the globe and points out observations linked to science and mythology. Some times he makes reference to the oldest civilization on earth which unfortunately happens to be the Hindu civilization. He therefore makes references to Ramayana, Mahabharata etc.  This account has since been restored by You tube.

But the two incidents indicate how the Social media groups err in content filtering by making any information on Pakistan from India as “Hate Speech” and any reference to “Temples” as “Inappropriate content”.

I hope Quora will admit its mistake and restore the account of True Indology with an apology.

The report suggests that Quora belongs to the Twitter group. We have indications from the past that Twitter management is controlled by Pakistan sympathizers and probably the moderators of Quora also have tuned the AI algorithm to be Pakistan sympathetic.

If Twitter and Quora chose to take the Pakistani side in launching an information war on India, they may soon find competitors developing in India and just as Chinese apps are being replaced by Indian apps, Twitter may be replaced by Koo or some other Indian app, if not completely, at least for the Indian audience.

Hope Quora will realize its mistake and correct it. I look forward to their press release on republicworld.com.


About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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