Quantum “Entanglement” use case demonstrated by Indian Scientists

Indian Physicists at Raman Research Institute and ISRO have demonstrated the quantum computer principle of “Entanglement” for the first time in India.

Report in DH: Report in ET:  Report in BS:

It had been reported by DH in 2021 that a research team in Raman Research Institute, Bangalore had been able to achieve a communication  using Quantum Entanglement where data such as a “Cryptographic Key” could be safely transmitted in such a manner that no person can interfere with the communication.

Now it is reported that last week that the technology has been further tested by ISRO at the Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad.

Essentially, “Entanglement” is a property exhibited at the level of atoms and molecules where two particles at a physical distance can be paired in such a manner that if the spin status of one of them is changed, the other gets automatically changed.

Accordingly, if there exists a paired set of Quantum Bits, (Qbit), then programming one set into a Crypto graphic key will automatically set the other pair to the same status. In other words, the information gets transmitted without the digital information flowing from one computer to another through some kind of a network. This is like a “Deemed Transmission” of data.

(This description is slightly different from what has been explained in the news reports.)

According to  the ISRO press release 

“On 27 January 2022, scientists from the two premier laboratories of Department of Space (DOS), viz. Space Applications Centre (SAC) and Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), both from the city of Ahmedabad, have jointly demonstrated quantum entanglement based real time Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) over 300m atmospheric channel along with quantum-secure text, image transmission and quantum-assisted two-way video calling. The demonstration was conducted at SAC, Ahmedabad, between two buildings separated by a distance of 300 m. 

It is known that China has earlier announced that it might have achieved the transmission of such data across a longer distance of 12 Kms. However this achievement of the Indian scientists is a land mark achievement.

We have discussed Quantum Computing on this site earlier and some of the articles are available here.

The Vast and Far Reaching Applications of Quantum Computing
In the wonderland of Quantum Cyber Law, Physics is part of Law specialization
Preparing for Security disruption through Quantum Computing

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The concept of “Super positioning” and “Entanglement” are two interesting properties demonstrated by Quantum Computing technology that has the ability to bring a large scale disruption to the way we manage security of information. 

We hope that Indian scientists will continue to record more achievements in this regard.


Related Article on Quantum Computing

Another article on entanglement

About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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