Search Results for: privacy

Data Laundering it covered under PDPA?

In continuation of our discussions of yesterday regarding TransUnion CIBIL, further thoughts on the data protection regulatory aspects are being discussed below to draw the attention of RBI, CERT In, MeiTy, Ministry of Commerce etc. Data Protection laws try to … Continue reading

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The petition for Data Sovereignty

Mr Vinit Goenka, of the Center of Knowledge sovereignty has floated a petition on Data Sovereignty at The link to sign the petition can be found here: For immediate reference some of the salient features of the petition are … Continue reading

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How Do I harass a company with GDPR?

GDPR is a regulation meant to protect the privacy rights of an individual. Principally it is meant to protect the right of a citizen of EU and tries to exercise control over the personal data collection activities in the jurisdictional … Continue reading

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Improving the Cyber Crime Prevention, Detection, Investigation and Prosecution

As soon as the new BJP Government has taken over and Mr Amit Shah became the Home Minister, an effort is being launched to examine the improvements that are required to be made for better Cyber Crime control. Essentially, the … Continue reading

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Is the Supreme Court aware… of the adverse impact of Bitcoins?

The Supreme Court is hearing a petition from the Crypto Currency industry players challenging the April 6, 2018 RBI Circular that disallowed entities regulated by it from providing banking channels to exchanges to trade in crypto currency. RBI has been … Continue reading

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Aadhaar Amendment Act passed

The Aadhaar Amendment Bill was passed by the Rajyasabha today and brought in many important changes that would off set the restrictions that the Supreme Court had placed on the use of Aadhaar. The main objection of the Supreme Court … Continue reading

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