Search Results for: shreya singhal

Case of Blind leading the Blind-Cyber Crime Statistics from NCRB

Yesterday, there were preliminary reports about the Cyber Crime statistics released by NCRB for 2014. This is a set of statistics gathered by collating the data from different state level police. Today some enthusiastic journalists have started writing their analytical … Continue reading

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Supreme Court admits Section 66A is necessary. view vindicated

We refer to the various articles published in this forum (Refer here) on the judgement in the Shreya Singhal Case in which the honourable Supreme Court bench of Justices, F.Nariman and J. Chelmeshwar on 24th March 2015 held that Section … Continue reading

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Section 66A(modified) to come back ?

According to this report in Deccan Herald the MCIT  has constituted a panel under the chairmanship of Mr T K Vishwanathan to rework on Section 66A which was struck down by Supreme Court in what is popularly referred to as the … Continue reading

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Options before Government.. after Section 66A being struck down

The two member bench of the Supreme Court of India consisting of honourable Justices J.Chelameswar and R.F.Nariman, struck down Section 66A of ITA 2000/8 on March 24, 2015, in their judgement in the batch of petitions lead by Shreya Singhal … Continue reading

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The Chilling Effect that the Supreme Court has left: Section 66A impact

In its judgement on Shreya Singhal Vs the Union of India, the two member bench of the Supreme Court has accused that the Section 66A of ITA 2008 has a chilling effect on the freedom of expression in the country. It … Continue reading

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National Law School, Bangalore to deliberate on the “Aftermath of Section 66A Removal”

Considering the importance of assessing the impact of recent Suprme Court’s decision in the case of Shreya Singhal vs Union of India1 , the Advanced Centre for Research, Development and Training in Cyber Laws and Forensics [ACRDTCLF], National Law School of India … Continue reading

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