Search Results for: digital rupee

Your Bitcoin Wallet may vanish into thin air…If so, Will you blame RBI? or SEBI? or Modi?

Ever since the news was out that Government of India had formed a “Committee” to take a policy decision on whether Bitcoin and other Crypto Currencies are to be “banned”? or “Regulated”? or “Observed?” there has been a flurry of … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 3 Comments

Bitcoin Regulation… What the Government needs to do.

This is our response to the Government seeking public comments on Bitcoin regulation: Query 1: Whether Virtual Currencies (VCs) should be banned, regulated or observed? Response: Firstly we would like to say that “Banning” is also “Regulation”. Hence when we say … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 3 Comments

Layman’s Understanding of Bitcoin

Before the public want to respond to the request for the Government of India for an opinion on regulation of Bitcoins/Virtual currencies, there is need for us to understand clearly the nature of Bitcoins and why it is popular and … Continue reading

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Bitcoin Vs Counter Cyber Financial Terrorism… Which side will the NDA Government take?

Bitcoin supporters are now in a PR thrust mode trying to lobby with the Media and bring influence on the Modi Government for a favourable dispensation including some kind of recognition for Bitcoin. According to this story “India is preparing Bitcoin … Continue reading

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Courts are the last resort for Justice seekers…

For those who know how the Judicial system functions, it is needless to say that it is always a pain to pursue justice through normal Courts. We are tired of the saying “God sees the truth but waits”. Many would … Continue reading

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RBI and Government should not drift in deciding about Bitcoin regulation

Bitcoins are internationally exchangeable into foreign currency of different countries and to some extent even in India. Hence at a time when the Government may be trying to force foreign Governments to share information on Benami Bank accounts in foreign … Continue reading

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