Search Results for: cheque

Has Karnataka Legislature passed a faulty legislation and set to create a new Telgi ?

The Government of Karnataka has recently passed an amendment to the Indian Registration Act 1908 through The Registration (Karnataka Amendment) Bill, 2015 which has been forwarded to the President of India for his assent. The bill has been drafted in … Continue reading

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“Let the Company die.. I will survive elsewhere”- attitude and Risk Absorption Capacity

There are no two opinions on the fact that the stake of society in general and corporate entities in particular on data is on the increase. Companies are investing a lot of their money to create data assets and part … Continue reading

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Why India is an attractive market for Bitcoins

India is a country which tops in the annual inward remittances. In 2012, the total inward remittances were estimated at US$ 69 billion. China with US$ 60 billion was the second best. (Refer article). In the year 2013, despite the … Continue reading

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Year 2013 in retrospect

The year 2013 ended with an intense debate on Bitcoins the virtual currency system that caused lot of ripples in the market. over the last one month, has been full of discussions on Bitcoin to the extent that discussions … Continue reading

Posted in bitcoin, Cyber Crime, Cyber Law, ITA 2008 | Leave a comment

RBI Advisory on Bitcoins causes a stir

After RBI released its advisory cautioning the public and Bitcoin intermediaries about the legal and financial risks, it is reported that many Bitcoin intermediaries have suspended their operations. Refer Indian Express Article here The intention of RBI’s advisory was mainly … Continue reading

Posted in bitcoin, ITA 2008 | Leave a comment

Facebook Banking application from ICICI Bank

The ICICI Bank application on Face Book that facilitates money transfers to “Friends” is reported to have the following functionality. The application is called “Pockets” -Split & Share that allows customers to split and track expenses and share them with … Continue reading

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