Search Results for: adjudicator

Expanding the Scope of PDPB 2019 to Non Personal Data is dysfunctional

Yesterday, the news paper The Hindu reported that it expects “More delays on Data Protection Bill as panel reopens debate” The report was based on the fact that the JPC under the new Chairman Mr P P Choudhary has convened … Continue reading

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Right to Forget needs to be reined

(Continued from the earlier article) The Delhi High Court judgement upholding the Right to forget of a person accused, tried and acquitted (on technical grounds) for Narcotics smuggling, 8 years after the initial judgement throws open a challenge to the … Continue reading

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WhatsApp relegates India to the Third World of Privacy Regulation

The revision of WhatsApp Privacy Policy and Terms has brought to light why an organization which is working in a multinational environment need adopt the approach taken by PDPSI (Personal Data Protection Standard of India)  for compliance. The first thing … Continue reading

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Economic Times Editorial “lets the cat out of the bag”-Suggests “Hasten Slowly!”

We have just discussed the editorial in Times of India today and now we also have an editorial in Economic Times with similar sentiments expressed about the PDPB. In fact this editorial is direct in expressing its intention because it … Continue reading

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WhatsApp Pay : A Master Circular required from RBI

WhatsApp has been in news as a messaging Company providing End to end encrypted messaging services in the past, introducing vanishing messages etc. As a messaging company it had its share of controversies involving spread of fake messages and mobilization … Continue reading

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Dr Lal Path labs data breach

(Image Source: In February 2020, a major data breach was reported from Breach Candy hospital, Mumbai. At that time, called it an “I Love You Moment” recalling the incident in 2000 when the “I Love You” virus hit … Continue reading

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