Search Results for: UIDAI

Three days to go for mandatory use of Virtual Aadhaar ID… Who is ready?

In January this year, UIDAI had announced the introduction of the “Virtual Aadhaar ID” scheme to increase the security of the Aadhaar usage eco system. The introduction stumped the Anti-Aadhaar lobby who were roaring before the Supreme Court when the … Continue reading

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IRCTC fraud is an exhibition of Technology Intoxication

Recently, a case was reported from Lucknow where one person by name Hamid Ashraf from a place called Basti, in UP was arrested for running a franchise chain of over 500 franchisees across the country who were indulged in cheating … Continue reading

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Supreme Court cannot ignore the Virtual ID development regarding Aadhaar

Supreme Court has now come to the end of hearing the PIL on the Aadhaar. Whatever be the actual petition it is clear that the opposition to Aadhaar stems mainly from the Black Money holders and Benami property holders who … Continue reading

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If India was in EU, Aadhaar would have been exempted from GDPR.. Supreme Court needs to ponder..

Currently GDPR and Aadhaar are both hot subjects for discussion amongst professionals whether they are Privacy activists, Information Security professionals or Lawyers. GDPR is at one end of the spectrum often looked upon by Privacy activists as the ultimate in … Continue reading

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MHA advisory on Cyber Crime Prevention and Control

The Ministry of Home Affairs released a circular on 13th January 2018 to all the State Governments and UT Administrators recommending some measures towards better Cyber Crime prevention in the respective Sstates and UTs. Copy of the Advisory The Circular … Continue reading

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How Aadhaar security reaches a new dimension with Virtual Aadhaar ID

Aadhaar has been the center of Privacy debate for quite some time in India and has even attracted international attention. Amidst the criticisms that Aadhaar system is not properly secured and therefore it may lead to loss of privacy of … Continue reading

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