Search Results for: privacy

PDPA Book Reviewed at India Legal

The book is a manual for privacy activists, advocates, IT professionals, business managers, law enforcement officers and the government for comprehending the complex issues of personal data usage. It not only explains the Act but discusses the different perspectives that … Continue reading

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Compliance of digital signature systems with Indian law

India has adopted the digital signature law as per Information Technology Act (ITA 2000) and declared it to be the only form of authentication of an electronic document recognized in India. Initially there was Section 3 which adopted a system … Continue reading

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Let the Supreme Court be aware that it’s decision is promoting Black Money in India

Around 2014, before Mr Narendra Modi took over as the PM of India, it was the Supreme Court which was trying to push the Government to take action to curb black money in India. Since then the Modi Government has … Continue reading

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How “Data Protection” and “Personal Data Protection” are different

“Information Security” has been a term which we are all familiar with. But in recent days, people have been using a term “Data Protection” and talking as if it is different. This is intriguing and requires some discussion. If we … Continue reading

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Empathy… an Essential requisite of a good DPO

The functions of a Data Protection Officer (DPO) under the emerging Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), includes the DPO being the single point contact for grievance redressal between the Data Principal and the Data Fiduciary. In discharging this function, the … Continue reading

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Crisis Management…An Essential Skill of a DPO

The Corona Crisis is opening the eyes of administrators on the problems that one faces in a situation of crisis.  “Damned if you do and damned if you do not”  is the kind of response the administrators get from the … Continue reading

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