Search Results for: bank

WannaCry and Cyber Insurance

The WannaCry ransomware seems to have targetted the health sector more, probably for the reason that most of the systems used in the industry were using unpatched or old windows systems and also their employees were not as well informed … Continue reading

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WannaCry, Is it an US Cyber War Preparation that went awry?

Today, the 15th May 2017, Indian corporates, including Banks will be switching on their computers with a prayer in their lips hoping that they would not see the dreaded “Your files are encrypted” screen. It is still not clear what … Continue reading

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The WannaCry Ransomware attack: CISO s Action Required: Notify Management of the Risks.

A ransomware attack which crippled many hospitals in UK is now creating waves of alarm by spreading into other countries. According to one researcher, more than 45000 attacks have already been flagged in 74 countries of having been caused by … Continue reading

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Bring Your own Virus infected Computer and say all computers can be tampered!

The claim of Saurabh Chaudhary that EVMs can be tampered and the demo he ran in the Delhi Assembly is a fraud on the Indian public. Mr Chaudhary brought his own EVM lookalike which had a self introduced code which … Continue reading

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Taming the Cyber Insurance Dog… Key lies with IRDA

“Cyber Insurance-a dog that can bite you and itself” says my friend  Mr Dinesh Bareja (Information Security Expert) in an interesting article. Mr Dinesh has well brought out the risk of an insurance company being sued by its client when there … Continue reading

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Data Processors in India should avoid entering into unenforceable contracts which may be termed “Fraudulent”

Globalization of Indian IT business has created many challenges to the Indian economy as a whole and in particular to certain domain specific regulators. One such regulator who finds himself frequently under a bind is RBI while regulating the Foreign … Continue reading

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