Search Results for: bank

Fight Against Corruption now has a new Slogan: Say No to Bitcoins

Fight against Corruption in India now has a new Slogan… Say NO to Bitcoins ..Every time… Even the first time. Whatever we say for Bitcoins also applies to all private Crypto Currencies which are outside the purview of the currency regulators … Continue reading

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How Does Bitcoin break India into bits and pieces and realize the “Bharath ko Tukde, Tukde karega” dream of some..

The period for which the Government of India sought public opinion on Bitcoin regulation is coming to an end tomorrow May 31, 2017. What will happen next? is the question on the minds of most of the observers who are … Continue reading

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Can we replace Bitcoin argument with a “Law Compliant Crypto currency of India” acceptable to all? has a history of raising issues that are necessary to create a “Responsible Cyber Society”. Towards this end we have been critical on many aspects of Law and Governance of Cyber Society, but always tried to provide a positive … Continue reading

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Your Bitcoin Wallet may vanish into thin air…If so, Will you blame RBI? or SEBI? or Modi?

Ever since the news was out that Government of India had formed a “Committee” to take a policy decision on whether Bitcoin and other Crypto Currencies are to be “banned”? or “Regulated”? or “Observed?” there has been a flurry of … Continue reading

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Bitcoin is a National Security Issue… SEBI and RBI must step in and regulate..

The Committee of Finance Ministry has called for public opinion on whether Bitcoins (and other Virtual Currencies) should be banned or regulated or observed and thereafter the committee may come a decision at its own convenience. If we observe the … Continue reading

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Bitcoin Regulation… What the Government needs to do.

This is our response to the Government seeking public comments on Bitcoin regulation: Query 1: Whether Virtual Currencies (VCs) should be banned, regulated or observed? Response: Firstly we would like to say that “Banning” is also “Regulation”. Hence when we say … Continue reading

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