Search Results for: karnataka

Digital India Act-9 : Digital Media Disclaimer

One of the challenges that the Cyber World is facing is in maintaining the trust worthiness of the Internet content. In the coming days there will be increased use of ChatGPT tools by consumers and it is essential to retain … Continue reading

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Digital India Act-5: Adjudication

ITA 2000 was had provided the Power of Adjudication under Section 46. Under this section any dispute arising out of a contravention of ITA 2000 in which financial compensation has to be received by a person who has suffered a … Continue reading

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AI Teachers and Zero GPT

Indus International School in Bengaluru has been a technology innovator for a long time. It was an early adopter to the use of laptops/tablets for students and adoption of Cyber Security within their network. Since last one year, it appears … Continue reading

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The RRR saga… and Suppression of information on suspected Cognizable offence

[PS: This post is slightly off-topic. It is posted as a reflection of a responsible citizen from Karnataka unhappy with the developments.  Ignore if you donot consider it relevant for you] In the Rohini-Roopa-Ravi discussion that is  raging in Karnataka, … Continue reading

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10 years after Naavi’s suggestion, “Data Embassy” concept is accepted by the Government !

In 2013, Naavi had suggested a concept titled “Privacy Protection Zones” as a solution to India not having a Privacy Law but wanting to retain the data processing business. In 2015, Naavi highlighted this need along with other requirements  for … Continue reading

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Changes to the Intermediary Guidelines

The Intermediary guidelines and Digital media  ethics  rules of 25th  February 2021  had attracted a  lot of criticism from the industry and has even been questioned in a Court. A case is also going on in Karnataka High Court where … Continue reading

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