Search Results for: e banking

46% of Bank Customers donot trust Internet Banking System! (?)

An interesting survey conducted in three countries namely US,UK and Germany have indicated that 46% of the consumers donot trust websites which rely only on “Passwords” for authentication. (Refer findings here) If the findings of this survey is extended to … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, Cyber Law, RBI | Leave a comment

Banking frauds in India

RBI has for the first time released some statistics of frauds in the Indian Banks. (Details here) :  (Press Release) According to the figures released Cyber Frauds in 2012 were about Rs 52.7 crores as against Rs 40.5 cores in … Continue reading

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Cooperative banks need to gear up to Internet Banking

The discussion paper on Disincentivisation of cheques issued by RBI has indicated a hard policy push towards use of E Banking in the form of Internet Banking and ATM. Many of the Cooperative Banks and Regional Rural Banks may not have … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Crime, Privacy, RBI | 1 Comment

“Banking is a Fundamental Right” says Dr Chakravarthy, Dy.Governor of RBI

Dr K.C. Chakravarthy, Deputy Governor of Reserve Bank of India speaking at Kochi on 9th February 2013 he stated that if the people in this country are not able to get access to basic banking services even after the regulatory … Continue reading

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Digital Divide threatens Indian Banking

The move from RBI to aggressively promote E Banking even in the light of repeated assertions that the E Banking risks are beyond tolerance levels and to actively discourage use of cheques and cash in Banking is likely to be … Continue reading

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RBI out to openly violate laws of banking

Section 5(b) of the Banking regulation act of India defines “Banking” as follows: “banking” means the accepting, for the purpose of lending or investment, of deposits of money from the public, repayable on demand or otherwise, and withdrawal by cheque, … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, Cyber Crime, ITA 2008 | Leave a comment