Search Results for: bank

Dear Mr Modi, Can you see how China can manipulate Bitcoin Wealth?..Why is Your Government blind?

Global Bitcoin prices that had skyrocketed to Us$5000 about 15 days back, has suddenly fallen to around US$3500 now. In Indian currency the rate which struck a high of Rs 353519 has now fallen to around Rs 230000/-. One of … Continue reading

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Equifax Data Breach… What are the learning points for our Data Protection Act?

The Equifax Data Breach in USA is considered one of the most severe data breach of all times. For records, it is said that the largest data breach in terms of records compromised was Yahoo data breach with 1 billion … Continue reading

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There is no miracle cure for Blue Whale Challenge… Every one including Privacy Activists need to contribute…

As we wake up today to the news that two boys in Bangalore were detected to have been playing Blue whale challenge “game”, the threat seems to be spreading fast. Bangalore is reported to be the sixth city in the … Continue reading

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Dear Mr Arun Jaitely, Has Finance Ministry been compromised?… on Bitcoin issue?

It is time to directly call the attention of our honourable Finance Minister Mr Arun Jaitely on what his department is upto as regards the Bitcoin issue…. Hence this open letter… Dear Honourable Finance Minister Mr Arun Jaitely, I have … Continue reading

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Google is the best teacher in the Digital World. But is it forgetting its basic reason for existence?

On the occasion of the “Teacher’s Day” today, it is appropriate to spare a few thoughts on the role of “Teaching” in the Digital Era. “Teaching” essentially involves “Knowledge Transfer” and it may happen either within the four walls of … Continue reading

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Does SBI Cards pose a special risk for customers because of Incompetence and possible collusion?

We have been discussing the “Limited Liability” Circular of RBI which was first issued in draft form on August 11, 2016 and confirmed on July 6 2017. However, recently when one of the customers of SBI Cards from Chennai, (a … Continue reading

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