Search Results for: privacy

Data Trust Score – thoughts on legal framework (Part 1)

Data Trust Score is an innovative mandatory provision in Indian Personal Data Protection Bill 2019 which introduces measurability an accountability to the compliance initiatives of a Data Fiduciary. In this three part article, Mr M.G. Kodandaram, IRS, retired Assistant Director … Continue reading

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Times of India joins the Anti PDPB bandwagon with a mis-information campaign

  Privacy Protection has always been a matter of interest to the Privacy Activists. Business has always been against Privacy being protected too rigorously since it would hurt their profitability. News papers are no longer the “Fourth Pillar” of democracy … Continue reading

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Biggest Challenges in PDPA adoption in India

Not withstanding the wishes of many to delay the passage of PDPB 2019, it appears that the JPC is determined to complete its work this week and present their recommendations to the Cabinet. This is indicated by the fact that … Continue reading

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The “Yes…But” game of the business houses on Data Protection Bill

When we discuss implementation of data protection particularly in a country like India, we often speak about the need to change the “Culture” and “Attitude”. Hence a lot of emphasis is placed on training, building awareness etc. While there is … Continue reading

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Beware of this Bal Aadhaar Phishing

There is an email in circulation about Bal Aadhaar which looks as follows: The hyper link leads to a website looking as follows: The website is registered by an Arizona resident as indicated below: This appears to be a … Continue reading

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First Objections, Next Suggestions and now change of goalpost… a conspiracy to delay PDPA?

“Person Who Knows”  (PWK) “Nothing Personal about Data Protection Bill as JPC proposes to expand scope”… so says an article today in It is well known that there is a lobby of opponents to the PDPB and this media … Continue reading

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