Search Results for: bank

How Do We Improve Cyber Crime Management System in India?.. Need for a Survey

As India is taking more and more digital initiatives in E Commerce, E Banking and now the Digital Payment mechanisms, there is an increasing fear that Cyber Crimes will continue to grow. In the recent times, Cyber Crimes are also … Continue reading

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Information Security Headache for PPI Issuers

The Payment Instruments industry which consists of many of the mobile wallet operators have raised objection to the recent Master Guidelines issue by RBI on several counts such as a) KYC requirement made more or less mandatory for all Semi … Continue reading

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Understanding the types of Prepaid Instruments under Payment and Settlements Act

Under the Master Directions for PPIs (MD-PPI), three types of PPIs are recognized namely a) Closed System PPIs b) Semi-Closed System PPIs c) Open System PPIs Closed System PPIs are those PPIs  which are issued by an entity for facilitating the purchase … Continue reading

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The PPI Ecosystem and the Power of the industry to lobby

The Prepaid Instrument Eco System in India under the Payment and Settlements Act 2007 has licensed several “Payment System Operators” under the Act. The list of such operators is available here. The list consists of Two Financial Market Infrastructure operators … Continue reading

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New RBI Norms for Prepaid Instruments make Digital payment Companies squirm

On 11th October 2017, RBI came out with a comprehensive “Master Direction” applicable to all Prepaid Payment Instrument Issuers, System Providers and System participants. This was mainly a consolidation of all earlier guidelines. However, it appears that some of the … Continue reading

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I was on 16 and Going on 17….I need everyone….to know me and comply…says ITA 2000/8

Wishing All a Happy Digital Society Day of IndiaWe need not reiterate here that we try to celebrate October 17 every year as the “Digital Society Day of India” because the judicially acceptable “Digital Society” was born in India on … Continue reading

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