Search Results for: bank

Supreme Court cannot ignore the Virtual ID development regarding Aadhaar

Supreme Court has now come to the end of hearing the PIL on the Aadhaar. Whatever be the actual petition it is clear that the opposition to Aadhaar stems mainly from the Black Money holders and Benami property holders who … Continue reading

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Theory of Dynamic Personal Data

“Personal Data” is the object of data protection regulations such as the upcoming Data Protection Act of India, the DISHA 2018, as well as other laws such as GDPR and ITA 2008. “Protecting Personal Data” is considered “Information Privacy” by … Continue reading

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If India was in EU, Aadhaar would have been exempted from GDPR.. Supreme Court needs to ponder..

Currently GDPR and Aadhaar are both hot subjects for discussion amongst professionals whether they are Privacy activists, Information Security professionals or Lawyers. GDPR is at one end of the spectrum often looked upon by Privacy activists as the ultimate in … Continue reading

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Quantum Computing and Emerging Cyber Law Challenges..Are we ready?

Cyber Laws have been in discussion in India since around 1998 when the first draft was published. After the passage of Information Technology Act 2000, the laws came into existence and started affecting every one of our activities on computer … Continue reading

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Cyber Insurance may not be available if you are “Negligent”

In the context of huge regulatory fines envisaged under GDPR, there is a renewed interest in Cyber Insurance among Data Processors everywhere. Since liability under GDPR may arise not only for payment of compensation to data owners but also for … Continue reading

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RBI is making a mistake in the PNB fraud case

As expected, media is crying as if Rs 11500 crores have been lost by PNB. Congress as expected is talking as if it is not Nirav Modi who is in question but Mr Narendra Modi himself. Both may be excused … Continue reading

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