Search Results for: shreya singhal

Police, Prosecutors and Judiciary: Please Don’t Create Fake Laws out of your misinterpretation

When a Palghar girl posted a message on her Facebook raising a query …Why there should be Mumbai Bundh if Mr Bal Thakrey has died? and another Palghar girl clicked on “Like” button against the message, Police in Palghar moved … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

Telengana Court poses a question to Supreme Court on Section 66A

Recently a judgements from Hyderabad under ITA 2000/8 has raised interesting debates in Cyber Law Circles which make a good case study for academic purpose. Presently we are commenting on the basis of the following two news reports Times of … Continue reading

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Was Gurmeher Kaur guilty of “Trolling”?

For the last week or so, there have been intense debate on the social media and TV media about the Gurmeher Kaur incident where the 20 year old student of Delhi University kicked off a controversy by posting a You … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

Suggestions on Modification of ITA 2008

There is an exercise going on in Delhi to modify ITA 2008. Last time when ITA 2000 was amended, the trigger was the case where the CEO of (now was prosecuted under Section 85 of ITA 2000 … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 3 Comments

Cyber Abuse is not Free Speech and Virtual Reality is not Reality

(This article was first published on The tragic suicide of a girl in Salem who could not tolerate the threats to her dignity on the world of the face book and decided to end her life is an indication … Continue reading

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Supreme Court’s mistake is behind an innocent girl’s suicide in Salem

Last year, two erudite Honourable Judges of the Supreme Court of India namely Justice F.Nariman and Justice Chelmeshwar heard a case filed by one Ms Shreya Singhal on the misuse of Facebook. These were cases where the Police had interpreted … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment