Search Results for: quantum

Infosys in self contradiction that may have a devastating effect on the company

For a long time, Infosys has been a well respected corporate entity. Even when it faced business difficulties it never lost its respect amongst the Indian public. However, the recent controversy involving payment of a severance pay of $868250/- to … Continue reading

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Let RBI show Who is the Boss

Over the last few days, there have been lot of discussions in all levels about what caused the mega data breach that compromised a suspected 32 lakh debit card data belonging 10 around 19 Banks. As we expected and desired, … Continue reading

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New Cyber Security Framework for Banks will shakeup CISOs in Banks.

RBI has been from time to time providing guidelines to Banks for managing the Information Security aspects. Recently, RBI also has created an Information Security Subsidiary which apart from looking after the Information Security in RBI will also provide policy … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

Ease of Doing Business Ranking and Full Service ODR at

It is heartening to note that the World Bank has recently praised the Modi Government that the “Ease of Doing Business” in India has become better in the current year.  (See report from Hindu) Yesterday, a meeting of the CFO … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

“Forgive them Because they donot know what they are celebrating”..

Mr Mahendra Limaye, a practicing advocate from Nagpur who has been active in Cyber Law related litigation as well as many PILs in the domain has reacted to the way journalists have been hailing the recent Supreme Court verdict with … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law, ITA 2008 | 3 Comments