Search Results for: karnataka

“Set a thief to catch a thief”… In the context of AI in Banks

AI is the buzzword in the tech world right now. Any software developer today meeting a client will first try to project how AI is built into his product to make it more efficient and cost effective. Every industry is … Continue reading

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GIFT city and GIFT Nifty

A quiet revolution has started in the Indian investment scenario with the opening of the trades in GIFT NIFTy from 3rd July 2023. This will have an impact not only on the Indian investment scenario but could have impact on … Continue reading

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Is there a limit to the powers of Supreme Court of India?

While one section of the political parties propagate the view that Democracy is under threat in India, I have one question to ask the community whether the threat to Indian democracy is from our top Court itself? Presently the Supreme … Continue reading

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Is there a limit to the powers of Supreme Court of India?

While one section of the political parties propagate the view that Democracy is under threat in India, I have one question to ask the community whether the threat to Indian democracy is from our top Court itself? Presently the Supreme … Continue reading

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What is Echo Chamber effect in Social Media

Social Media developed over a period as a way of individual expression that could reach others on the Internet. Website itself was the first incarnation of this tool of expression. It was however a data publishing platform controlled by a … Continue reading

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The Great Data Robbery… Why it is a national security issue?

This is a continuation of the previous article “The Great Data Robbery in India…64 crore data sets…weaponized for the next election…” We have seen many data breaches from Hospitals. Banks, Payment Gateways etc. Most of these are targeted at financial … Continue reading

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