Search Results for: Sec 66A

Improving the Cyber Crime Prevention, Detection, Investigation and Prosecution

As soon as the new BJP Government has taken over and Mr Amit Shah became the Home Minister, an effort is being launched to examine the improvements that are required to be made for better Cyber Crime control. Essentially, the … Continue reading

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The Second Awakening… What is there in Rules of Oct 27, 2009 on Section 69?

[This is in continuation of the previous article on the subject] (P.S: These discussions are called the “Second Awakening” because though ITA 2000 came into existence on 17th October 2000, the stake holders and more particularly the IT industry never … Continue reading

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The Second Awakening… What is Section 69?

[This is a continuation of the earlier articles on the subject] Section 69 along with 69A and 69B was introduced in ITA 2000 with the amendments passed in December 2008 by the then UPA Government. Though the passage was without … Continue reading

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Snooping and Section 69 of ITA 2000: Beyond Politics, Distrust and Passion..The second awakening

[This is a continuation of the previous article] Yesterday was a day when ignorance and politics took over the debate on the new MHA guidelines under Section 69 of ITA 2000. As expected, the Congress politicians opened the debate in … Continue reading

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Section 498A: Why Supreme Court cannot be consistent?

[P.S: This may not be a Cyber Law Issue but is a matter of concern to the youth in the IT industry and reflects the personal experience of the undersigned in interacting with several young persons in the IT industry … Continue reading

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DISHA 2018- Proposed Health Information Security Act in India

DISHA 2018 is the proposed law for India applicable to the Privacy and Data Protection related to the Health Care sector in India. At a time there is discussion on GDPR all around the industry and anticipation of the Justice … Continue reading

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