Search Results for: "Theory of Data"

Data Is Always Evolving

One of the myths that is being perpetuated by Data Protection Regulations is that there is some thing called “Personal Data” and some thing called “Sensitive personal data” which companies collect and which needs to be protected. The regulators however … Continue reading

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Data Science Has to Evolve From Technical Perspective…

Data Science is an important area of study in the present days when “Data” is considered as an important economic asset which can be harnessed like “Oil” or “Mined” like Gold. According to Wikipedia, “Data science is a multi-disciplinary field … Continue reading

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What is the life cycle of Data?

“Life Cycle” starts from birth and ends with death. In the case of humans, life form comes from the environment (in the form of the Pancha bhootas)  and goes back to the environment. Human life has two components namely the … Continue reading

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Data Governance Framework as it exists in India now

With the formation of an expert committee titled “Data Governance Framework Committee” Data Professionals in India are now wondering what is in store. Some of the questions that are in the minds of the Data Regulation Observers are Will this … Continue reading

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The atomic structure of Data

(This is a continuation of the previous article) When we look at “Data” as a human experience, it consists of many elements. For example, some data may be as simple as the hydrogen atom with just one proton in the … Continue reading

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