Search Results for: e banking

Why RBI is wrong

The RBI discussion paper on disincentivisation of the use of cheques is very disturbing. The objective of the discussion paper is to get public response on the points raised in the discussion paper or rather get a public endorsement on the … Continue reading

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Privacy Protected Zones Required

While discussing any legislation affecting Cyber Space, we discuss “Privacy” and “Data Protection” as important aspects for consideration. In India we are presently banking on ITA 2000/8 for “Data Protection”  and “Constitutional Rights” for “Privacy Protection”. ITA 2000/8 can indirectly … Continue reading

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Bankers try to mislead credit card customers

Earlier in the day today, Times of India first reported the arrest of 5 Indians in USA in connection with the US$ 200 million credit card fraud. Immediately thereafter there was a second report in TOI itself attributing the growth … Continue reading

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Rs 1 Crore lost by executive in Mumbai Bank fraud

In one of the larger Bank frauds of recent times, an executive in Mumbai has lost Rs 1 crore through a series of fraudulent transactions in his Bank account. The transactions occurred through 12 RTGS debits within a space of … Continue reading

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Guidelines For Ethical Hackers

The Netherlands Government has issued guidelines for “Ethical hackers” who discover vulnerabilities for reporting the vulnerabilities. According to the guidelines a person who discovers the vulnerability should report it directly to the owner of the system in a confidential manner. … Continue reading

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Five Year Plan on National Cyber Security Unveiled

In a long pending but welcome move it appears that the GOI has unveiled a Five Year plan on National Cyber Security. Having recognized the inadequacy of the IND-CERT which is the designated nodal agency for Critical IT infrastructure security … Continue reading

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