Search Results for: bank

The 18 year Journey Since the Digital Society was born in India

Information Technology Act 2000 (ITA 2000) was notified on 17th October 2000 and today is the 18th year after India legally recognized the Electronic Document as equivalent to Paper Document and Digital Signature as equivalent to physical signature leading to … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

Aadhaar Judgement-8: Limited use

This is a continuation of the previous article on this topic The second question which was answered by the three judges was “Whether the Aadhaar Act violates the right to privacy and is unconstitutional on this ground? The judges proceeded … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 3 Comments

Aadhaar Judgement-7… Can the Private Sector use Aadhaar for Authentication?

This is a continuation of the earlier articles on the topic Continuing our discussion on the Judgement of the three Judges, Dipak Mishra, A K Sikri and A W Khanwilkar, responding to the first issue answered by them namely, (1) … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 2 Comments

Aadhaar Judgement….2.. The Answers and Conclusions of the majority

This is a continuation of the earlier article “Aadhaar Judgement..1..Debate the Areas where Clarity is Required” The Aadhaar judgement is said to be the second longest case in terms of continuous hearing next only to the Keshavananda Bharati case in … Continue reading

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Aadhaar Judgement…1… Debate the areas where clarity is required.

The 1448 page Aadhaar judgement has created some confusion in the industry circles about what exactly is the impact of the judgement on the industry. In particular, key industries which are concerned are the FinTech industry, Telecom industry and Banks. … Continue reading

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Facebook data breach, punctures the argument against Data Localization

Leading upto to the discussion on PDPA 2018 in the Parliament, there is an orchestrated opposition to the Data localisation aspect recommended in the PDPA 2018. However, the Face Book data breach which has reportedly compromised over 50 million accounts … Continue reading

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