Search Results for: privacy

A New Era in Personal Data Protection opens up

After ISMS and PIMS, it is the time for PDP CMS or Personal Data Protection Compliance Management System to be implemented in organizations. PDP CMS is inclusive of PIMS  and ISMS but is more focused on either of them. ISMS … Continue reading

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Ollie Robinson punished by Artificial Intelligence without application of human intelligence

Ollie Robinson made an impressive Cricket Test debut at Lords last week against  New Zealand. He virtually saved England from losing the test by not only taking 7 wickets but also scoring 42 runs at a critical stage in the … Continue reading

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Get Ready to be a Certified DPO even as Government prepares to push PDPB 2019

The much awaited comprehensive Certification Program for DPOs in India from FDPPI is set to commence on June 19, 2021 as per the following tentative schedule. The program consists of 36 hours of online training covering the Data Protection laws … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

Compliance complications for small digital media after May 26th 2021

Over the last few days, developments regarding Cyber Law in India have overwhelmed most of us and left us engaged full time on following the developments. In these discussions the future role of digital media is being re-defined and consequently  … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 2 Comments

Right to Forget needs to be reined

(Continued from the earlier article) The Delhi High Court judgement upholding the Right to forget of a person accused, tried and acquitted (on technical grounds) for Narcotics smuggling, 8 years after the initial judgement throws open a challenge to the … Continue reading

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PDPB 2019 is already recognized as the requirement by Courts

We recently had an occasion where the Delhi High Court made a reference to “Right to Forget” in respect of an accused who had been acquitted. Copy of the judgement is available here. The facts of the case was that … Continue reading

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