Search Results for: privacy

The Crypto Rupee

The proposed “The Cryptocurrency and Regulation of Official Digital Currency Bill, 2021” (Crypto Bill-2021) is expected to “Prohibit” private crypto currencies and also enable issue of a RBI controlled Crypto currency. Knowing the power of corruption, we need to wait … Continue reading

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7 members of JPC submit dissent note on PDPB

An interesting phase in the history of data protection law in India has started with the presentation of the new version of PDPB2021 by the JPC to the Speaker. It will become public once the bill is formally presented. Until … Continue reading

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Indian Data Protection Summit 2021: Day 1

The biggest event on Data Protection in India namely the Indian Data Protection Summit 2021 (IDPS 2021) got off to a flying start on November 17, 2021, as a virtual conference. Six hours of deliberations occurred between 2.30 pm IST … Continue reading

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If you are a wise CEO..

    In case I am a HR Manager or a CEO, one of the thoughts that  come across my mind is how much it would cost to conduct an awareness training for all my employees on Data Privacy? If I … Continue reading

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A Challenge accepted …If PDPB is converted into DPB…

Personal Data Protection (PDP) legislation in India has been one of the most contentious legislations and it is not surprising that several hurdles are being placed in its passage. The latest hurdle is that some creative persons have planted the … Continue reading

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21st Anniversary of the Digital Society Day of India

Mr Suresh Kumar, the then Law Minister of Karnataka inaugurated a seminar on Privacy on October 17, 2008 at KLE Law College, Bangalore, seen here with Naavi   On 17th October 2000, India notified Information Technology Act 2000. With the … Continue reading

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