Search Results for: e banking

Why We cannot spare 20 minutes for a cause?

P.S: This is a reproduction of what I posted today at Linkedin. Cyber Crimes is accepted as a big concern for all of us. When there is a phishing attack that wipes out the bank account of a victim or … Continue reading

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Should IS community be bearish on Cyber Insurance?

Information Security Professionals think that all the talk of Cyber Insurance is nonsense since the risks are so huge that any company that insures Cyber risks is doomed to fail. Is this negative thinking justified?.. Let’s explore Cyber Insurance is … Continue reading

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Mission Cyber Insurance

There is an enthusiasm around India with the declaration of the Digital India project by our Prime Minister. The fact that more than Rs 450,000 crores of funds have been pledged by the Indian industry is an indication that the … Continue reading

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If NaMo is the CEO of Digital India.. who will be the CISO of Digital India?

The event on 1st July, 2015, in which our Prime Minister Modi launched the Digital India project along with the battery of industrialists was very very impressive. I suppose Mr Arnab Goswami and the Congress must be squirming within themselves … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 4 Comments

Banks Brushing Data Security Issues under the carpet

“The general culture in our bank is to brush data security breach and loopholes under the carpet” says one of the senior executives of a leading Bank, according to this article in Midday. Mumbaikars beware! Your bank details are being … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

Extent of Cyber Fraud related Loss in Indian Banks

In an answer given in the Parliament, the IT Minister, (based on RBI records) has reported  the following information on Cyber Frauds in Banks. Year No of cases(Card and Internet Banking) Amount (Rs Cr) 2011-12 10048 38 2012-13 8765 68 … Continue reading

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