Search Results for: quantum

Is it the beginning of the Chinese domination of the Globe?.. Mr Modi to take note

It is known that China has made substantial progress in the field of Industry which is threatening other countries including India and US. Unfortunately, unlike Japan, scientific progress in China is discomforting to the rest of the world since China … Continue reading

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Theory of Dynamic Personal Data

“Personal Data” is the object of data protection regulations such as the upcoming Data Protection Act of India, the DISHA 2018, as well as other laws such as GDPR and ITA 2008. “Protecting Personal Data” is considered “Information Privacy” by … Continue reading

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Banking Ombudsman Scheme Amended…and scope expanded

For quite some time the RBI’s Banking Ombudsman Scheme has been defunct since the scope of the scheme has been interpreted by the Ombudsman as very limited. In most cases, Ombudsman have the habit of not only rejecting the complaints … Continue reading

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The GDPR Threat hangs over the head of Indian IT Processors

Indian IT industry has a high stake in the outsourced business from US and EU, UK markets. A good part of this outsourced business involves processing of “Personal Data” of data subjects of the respective country. As regards US, India … Continue reading

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RBI and Government should not drift in deciding about Bitcoin regulation

Bitcoins are internationally exchangeable into foreign currency of different countries and to some extent even in India. Hence at a time when the Government may be trying to force foreign Governments to share information on Benami Bank accounts in foreign … Continue reading

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Customers of State Bank of India Beware… Your risks have gone up!

On the International Women’s Day, the Board of SBI has just announced what could be considered as an unwise move to allow women workers to work from home for one year. (As per news reports) Is this a goodwill move … Continue reading

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